
Summer Reading Challenge

We had a visit from Bath Central Library this week and the children were excited about the Summer Reading Challenge that is being launched on Saturday 9th July. To take part, simply turn up at the Library (above Waitrose) and sign up. If you are not a member of the library yet, all you need is proof of your address and the library staff will register your family – it takes five minutes.
This year the theme is ‘Gadgeteers‘! Children need to read at least six books (borrowed from the library) before the closing date of 3rd September. The books can be picture books, stories, chapter books, audio books…and being read to by an adult or sibling counts too! There are stickers and posters, bookmarks and – for those that complete the challenge – a certificate and medal at the end. We will celebrate everyone that takes part in the new school year.
For more information:
Happy reading!

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