The World Reimagined Globe Project

St Andrew’s Church School, Year 4 and 5 have taken part in the World Reimagined project which will see trails of large Globe sculptures in cities across the UK in August-October of 2022, to bring to life the reality and impact of the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans. Our Globe will be part of a trail in Bristol alongside many other Globes s created through unique collaborations that bring together communities and icons with artists.
Year 4 & 5 learnt about the historical and cultural significance of fashion and textiles in African Culture. Inspired by their learning, the children developed their own prints, using acrylic paints and incorporating the colours and patterns of Africa. These prints were then used to create a patchwork of colour across the globe. Around the centre, the words justice, hope and beauty are written. These words were drawn from the children’s discussions around culture and cultural appropriation. The children also created logos of identity inspired by the Adinkra symbols, representing harmony and adaptability – these are displayed around the base.
13 August – 16 October 2022
Sculptures exhibited in local communities.
Here is a link to the project website:
More information here about the trail:
Introducing The World Reimagined – Schools
There are also more photos in the Galleries on our Website.