
Year 2: Baking Challah bread and Science Experiments

This week, Year 2 celebrated the end to the learning on Judaism by making and sharing Challah bread with each other. They had to knead, shape and plait the dough as well as work together to ensure everyone got a turn. We then took the Challah bread that Mrs Weaver had made earlier to the playground to share while the bread made in the class was in the oven.
In Science, we’ve been investigating the impact of heat on materials by looking at what happens if you melt white, milk and dark chocolate. The children made predictions, conducted the experiment, recorded their results in tables and then as a whole class we evaluated our results. What a fantastic group of budding scientists.
Have a wonderful, restful and exciting half term Year 2. I cannot wait to see you back in School for more exciting learning next term.

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