
Year 2: jam sandwiches and minibeasts

In English, we worked together to sequence our jam sandwich instruction cards. We looked carefully at the pictures to know which cards came in which order. We followed the instruction cards to help us make a jam sandwich. We then used the words ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’ and ‘last’ to re-tell the instructions to our friends. Finally, we got to enjoy some tasty jam sandwiches!

In Science this week, we visited our conservation area to think about the word ‘habitat’. We made ‘Minibeast Mansions’ for insects to move into. We used the words ‘home’, ‘shelter’, ‘cosy’, and ‘safe’ as we worked. Later in the week, we will be using this experience to help us write instructions in English. Watch out for our writing with the title ‘How to make a Minibeast Mansion’! Thank you so much to Ronja’s mum and Albert’s mum for making this possible. Thank you also to several other kind offerings to help.


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