Year 4: Insects, Music and Ancient Technology

Year 4 have been out and about this week making the most of everything the city has to offer. We’ve been to Victoria Park to look at invertebrates in their local habitats and ask questions about whether these habitats change seasonally and whether these insects choose habitats with similar characteristics as part of our learning in Science on living things and their habitats. We spent a wet Wednesday afternoon (along with several stoic parent volunteers) walking to Hayesfield School to participate in the Primary Music Concert. The children were able to listen to some incredible young musicians playing every instrument and genre of music you can imagine before joining the other local schools in singing and playing boom whackers.
It has also been our turn for forest school and Year 4 used this opportunity to build on their learning in Science by looking at creating branching databases.
Finally, we’ve ended our week with a trip to the Ancient Technology Centre in Dorset. The children were able to experience life as Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and have a go at building fences, weaving, and farming the land. This was an incredible opportunity for the children to bring their learning to life under the instruction of the centre’s knowledgeable and enthusiastic instructors.
See the Ancient Technology Centre Gallery here: