
Year 4 Kilter Theatre visit & much more !

Year 4 have had a wonderful couple of weeks exploring the natural world through different creative opportunities.  Along with the rest of the school, we headed down to the Forest of Imagination at the Egg Theatre and had great fun exploring the completely immersive experience in the theatre as well as creating artworks inspired by the Forest too.( see Gallery )  Later in the week, we enjoyed a visit from Kilter Theatre in school where the class learnt all about the bumble bee and the important role it plays in our natural world.  There were lots of fun games along with getting out into our school environment to look at its positive and negative impact on bees and wildlife in general.  Along with that, in Science, we’ve built simple circuits and drawn diagrams using the correct symbols, begun to write stories inspired by Kensuke’s Kingdom and completed our learning on shape and symmetry in Maths.


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