2021-22 Year book Pictures

In Mrs Jayne’ s message :
At the Leaver’s Service we celebrate the children and their achievements, and it is also a time to thank our St Andrew’s community. We are extremely proud of all the children and seeing the photos and their performances is a true celebration of the joy that has been had this year. A big thank you to all our community as the report celebrates the whole of the St Andrew’s family and we should all feel very proud of this.
Thank you to all the children for allowing us all to be part of your learning journeys this year and always making us smile. Thank you to all our families for the support you give the school in so many ways. Thank you to all those who have taken on roles of responsibility such as Librarians, Green Team, School Council and Play Leaders.
We have an amazing staff team who have shown endless grit and determination to work collectively to support our St Andrew’s Community. They are also so incredibly nurturing in how they look after each other. Mrs Tam and I are incredibly proud of you all and thank you – we couldn’t do it without you! And I am so grateful to Mrs Tam for all her support and positivity- I feel so lucky!
Thank you to Louise and all the Governors for each part you have played in supporting St Andrew’s and your sensitivity and care for the team especially throughout Ofsted.
Thank you to all at the Bath and Wells Trust for their support throughout the year.
Thank you to the Friends Team of parents for all your organisation of events and amazing fundraising. Without this fundraising we would not be able to do the many activities and enrichment events, so we are so grateful to everyone who has supported. A special thanks to our Chairs Alice and Merlin for coordinating and pulling together all the wonderful events. Thank you for the calculators, parties, and discos and much much more. We are so grateful for all the support.
Thank you to the comms team and Website support Lou, Anu, Michelle and Ellen who have done an amazing job bringing the website to life and increasing my IT skill along the way!
Thank you to Keith & Adrian, Working Bees and Delia for all her support with Green Classrooms
Thank you to the St Swithin’ Team for all their support including assemblies and all the special learning experiences they have done for the children. Thank you to James for working with Mrs Collie to enhance our collective worship music.
Thank you to the OPAL team – for transforming play and creating wider opportunities be creative at lunchtime.
Thank you to our Library volunteers – who have transformed the library into a joyful place to read.
Thank you to all our other volunteers and community support , we are so grateful .
We are very sad to be saying goodbye to Mrs Buckley, who has been with us for 8 years. She has been instrumental in the development of our inclusion work over the last 3 years and before that as a class teacher. Mrs Buckley has made a significant difference to many families always with determination to get the best possible support for our children. We wish her well as she focuses on her own family.
We are sad also to be saying goodbye to Mrs Shoubridge. Helen has been at St Andrew’s for 11 years and she will be greatly missed by us all. Helen is going to be teaching in a school nearer to home. Thank you for all her work and her support as Teacher Governor.
We also said goodbye to Ms Bartlett who was here for a year, and we loved working with her.
Click on the link below to see photo Year book from the Leavers Service for Reception to Year 6 :