
Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 8:00-8:50am, 5 mornings a week during term time for children in Reception to Year 6.

Booking Arrangements for Reception – Year 6

• Each session costs £3.50 and will need to be booked and paid for at least 3 days in advance on ParentPay.
• Bookings need to be made in advance to ensure staffing levels can be planned appropriately and food purchased.
• We will be unable to offer a refund if a child does not attend the booked sessions.

Book directly through your ParentPay account

After School Club

After school club runs from 3:15-6:00pm from Monday-Thursday, and 3:15-4:30pm on Fridays, during term time for children in Reception – Year 6.

  • The sessions that can be booked are either 3:15-4:30pm or 3:15-6:00pm. After school club only runs until 4:30pm on Fridays. The cost for 3:15-4:30pm is £7 per session and for 3:15-6:00pm is £13 per session.
  • Bookings need to be made 7 days in advance to ensure staffing levels can be planned appropriately and food purchased. If you wish to make an ad-hoc or short-notice booking, please contact the school office.
  • We will be unable to offer a refund if a child does not attend the booked sessions.

Please contact the School Office for further information on


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