Curriculum Offer
Please click on the links on this page to read the curriculum details for the subjects we teach at St Andrew’s Church School.
Intent statement St Andrew’s Church School Bath
The Connected Curriculum
Here is the overview for The Connected Curriculum which details the coverage and connections in each year group from Nursery – Year 6.
This overview form the basis for our Curriculum, it allows space within it to respond to children’s interests and learning opportunities that arise in our City and beyond. We will be adding in the connections such as books, events, and cultural centre links as we work through the year and will update the web link termly.
Planner St Andrew’s Connected Curriculum 22-23 With EYFS
Year 6 can be found here:
Please look at our Galleries and News to see our Curriculum in action :
Early Years Curriculum
St Andrew’s Foundation Stage are an integral part of our school. St Andrew’s use Non Statutory Guidance Birth – 5 Matters to support planning.
Foundation Stage Curriculum overviews can be found in our Connected Curriculum Year Planner above.
Termly Learning Journeys can be found here :
Curriculum Progression Maps
At St Andrew’s, we encourage our children to have an enquiring mind and develop their thinking skills through an enquiry based science curriculum. Science continues to change our lives and we aim to provide children with the knowledge and skills to impact positively on the world we live in and its future.
St Andrew’s Science Curriculum Years 1-6
PSHE and RSHE Curriculum
At St Andrew’s, we support children to develop a strong sense of self, build positive relationships and lead healthy lives. Using the Jigsaw Programme, we offer a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning.
Our PSHE curriculum is a whole school approach underpinning our children’s development as people in the ever changing world around them, it enables unique opportunities for children to explore life’s big questions in a safe, engaging and creative way.
Our PSHE curriculum covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phase including statutory Relationships and Health Education. Please click on the links below for further information.
Our PSHE Policy: uk-jigsaw-pshe-incl-rshe-policy
Religious Education
As a church school we embrace the teaching of religious education at St Andrew’s and see it as an opportunity for children to ask questions and learn more about the diverse world around them as well as explore moral and spiritual concepts.
We use ‘Understanding Christianity’ to cover the Christianity content of our curriculum. We also use ‘Discover RE’ to enhance our teaching of other major religions and world views. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given fresh treatment every year, developing children’s learning in a progressive way. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are also included, and there is flexibility as to which religions the school chooses to teach.
The coverage and progression in each year group is explained in the following PDF:
‘We know that history matters, we know that it is thrilling, absorbing, fascinating, delightful and infuriating, that it is life.’ – Stephen Fry
At St Andrew’s, we encourage our children to be inspired and curious about history, developing an understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It is through the development of historical thinking that children understand the concept of change and appreciate a nation’s sense of identity. We want children to have an understanding of the City they live in and its historic significance. Bath is famous for its hot springs, Roman period baths, Medieval heritage and stately Georgian architecture.
St Andrew’s History Curriculum Years 1-6
‘The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.’ -Barack Obama
At St Andrew’s, we encourage our children to grow as Geographers who have a passion for and commitment to the subject, and a real sense of curiosity to find out about the world and the people who live there.
St Andrew’s Geography Curriculum Years 1-6
Art and Design
“There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.” ― Pablo Picasso
At St Andrew’s, we encourage our children to grow as artists, valuing and appreciating the visual arts as languages of expression and communication.
St Andrew’s Art and Design Curriculum EYFS – Yr 6
Design Technology
‘What is design? It’s where you stand with a foot in two worlds – the world of technology and the world of people and human purposes – and you try to bring the two together.’ -Mitch Kapor
At St Andrew’s we encourage our children to grow as designers, valuing design solutions as a way of improving people’s lives and understanding more about the impact of products on the world.
St Andrew’s Design Technology Curriculum Years 1-6
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind and flight to the imagination.” – Plato
“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen
At St Andrew’s, we encourage our children to grow as musicians, appreciating that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity.
St Andrew’s Music Curriculum Years 1-6
‘What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.’ – Steve Jobs
At St Andrew’s, we aim to equip our children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world; to be digitally competent at a level suitable for the workplace and as active participants in the digital world.
St Andrew’s Computing Curriculum Years 1-6 (1)
Our approach to visual arts
The visual arts are central to our creative curriculum at St Andrew’s. Each year we have numerous art workshops, video projects, visiting artists, gallery trips and competitions for the children to enjoy. To find out more visit our Galleries and News
As part of School Without Walls projects and our connections within the City, our children are very fortunate to regularly experience learning at the Holburne Museum, St Swithin’s church, the Egg Theatre, the Bath Spa University College of Art, Bath Abbey and Design and the Museum of East Asian Art and many more places throughout our beautiful City.
Creative Arts are an important form part of our Thrive Approach and are used as a language of expression to support children in their Social and Emotional Development.