A busy week in Year 5!

Y5 had a fantastic time on Tuesday as we embarked on our multi-media Science and Art project with the Herschel museum. We discovered more about our 51 amazing scientists and used costumes, props and role-play to create a character portrait of our chosen pioneers. Next, we learned how to create and develop cyanotype prints and design wall art using light as a backdrop for our portraits. ‘I loved finding out about photography and printing’. ‘It was great to use equipment we don’t have at school.’ ‘I loved the role-play and dressing up.’ ‘The excitement of the unknown was the best part for me!’ – just a few of the excited thoughts Y5 shared about their amazing experience. Back in class, Y5 have been working hard each day to develop their Maths understanding and have added ‘short division with a remainder’ to their bank of methods for solving number problems. Y5 love books and ended another busy week of learning with some reading for pleasure time in our beautiful library space. A big thankyou to Jazzie, Rowan and Blythe (our enthusiastic Y5 librarians) for preparing a great environment for another deep-dive into the world of books – a perfect place to let our imaginations fly.