Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust
Our Vision
As a Diocesan Multi Academy Trust we are striving to ensure our children flourish, being the best version of themselves to live “Life in all its fullness: John 10:10’’
We want to provide every child with an outstanding education of the mind, body and spirit through: a creative, innovative, engaging curriculum underpinned by the
Christian values of kindness, respect, forgiveness, perseverance and love; an education with the highest aspirations and expectations of academic success.
An Outstanding Education for Every Child
- Every school within the Trust provides an outstanding education for every child, enhanced by its distinctively Christian ethos.
- All pupils attend a good and better school with a broad,balanced and inspiring curriculum.
- All pupils make good and better progress, relative to their starting point.
- Year on year, more pupils across the Trust achieve and exceed age-related expectations in reading, writing and mathematics.
- Every pupil develops academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually within a distinctive Christian ethos.
Our Priorities
Support teaching and learning
Teaching and learning promotes life-long learners
Secure collaboration, support and challenge.
Facilitate high quality professional development.
Provide effective recruitment, succession planning and induction.
Value, support and engage.
Business, finance and resources support teaching and learning
Deliver a strong financial plan.
Provide high quality services.
Effectively manage premises and resources.
Maintain measured and strategic growth.
Leadership and governance enables successful teaching and learning
Secure Trust, hub and school leadership.
Embed safeguarding procedures and practice.
Develop effective governance.