
Belonging Day – Tuesday 2nd November

Belonging Day: Tuesday 2nd November 2021 

Celebrating similarities and differences within the St Andrew’s family 

The children returned to school after half-term on Tuesday 2nd November to a whole school Thrive Day on the theme of ‘Belonging: A celebration of similarities and differences within the St Andrew’s family.’

The focus for the day was on supporting all children, families and our staff team to have a sense of belonging at school. This tied in beautifully  with our Connected Curriculum focus of ‘What makes me, me?’ and ‘What am I connected to?’ 

We reflected upon what we have in common (e.g. where we come from, our interests etc.) and what is different. And we celebrated both! 

We also used art and key texts We are Together by Britta Teckentrup, Home by Carson Ellis and Everybody’s Welcome by Patricia Hegarty to support discussions and activities around what it means to ‘belong’ – to be part of something or somewhere and to explore the idea of inclusion. The children wore their own favourite clothes for the day. They shared photos of their families and talked about their heritage and cultural backgrounds.  

Some quotes from the children:

If you feel you should be somewhere, that’s belonging.’

‘In my home, I feel comfortable and safe- it’s where I belong!’

I belong to the school, my family and different countries- I belong to Spain.’

If you belong in a country and your family live there – that’s belonging.’




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