Our Maths Offer at St Andrew’s Church School.
Philosophy and Intent
We know that all children have the ability and potential to succeed in Maths – some may require more time and support to get there, but with a positive attitude towards Maths and high expectations, anyone can be a mathematician. We want our mathematicians to understand the value of Maths and to feel successful when they learn.
To ensure progression, we follow the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Maths and use the Power Maths scheme of work to enable us to deliver this with consistency. Children are encouraged to use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract methods (CPA approach) to develop their understanding and link ideas. Together, we look at problems, discuss strategies and work together at broadly the same pace within the class.
Oracy is a skill that we strive to embed throughout our entire curriculum in order for children to communicate their thinking. In Maths, our children are encouraged to speak openly and clearly about their reasoning without fear of ‘getting it wrong’ and are guided to address misconceptions using high-quality dialogue with their teachers and peers.
Foundation Stage
- Daily ‘Power Maths’ lessons linked to Early Learning Goals, using the CPA approach
- ‘Short burst’ Number Fluency 5 times per week: Maths embedded to form part of our daily routine
- Whole-school focus on oracy/spoken language: learning to talk and learning through talk
- Mathematical concepts and knowledge are evident across the entire Early Years curriculum
- Experimenting with mathematical ideas through playful engagement
- Continuous Provision activities with an obvious mathematical focus
- Children find their own maths in an activity: who has made the tallest tower? Are there enough cups for us all in the home corner? How many more do we need?
KS1 and KS2
- Power Maths lessons at least 4 times per week – Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving embedded into all of these lessons
- A combination of Quality First Teaching for the whole class and personalised interventions for those with specific need
- ‘Pit Stops’ – same day and next day intervention to address misconceptions as they arise
- Use of the Concrete, Abstract, Pictorial approach (CPA)
- Whole-school focus on oracy/spoken language: use of modelled language and sentence stems within lessons
- Longer but deeper: we learn about concepts in longer blocks, allowing for children to develop their understanding in more depth
- Regular number fluency sessions, including rehearsal for key number facts and times tables
- Times Tables Rockstars for Years 2-6 at school and at home.
For our full Maths Offer and detailed calculation policies, please see the below.
Click on the links to view/print the Calculation Policies for St Andrew’s Church School :
Power Maths Reception Calculation Policy
Power Maths Key Stage 1 Calculation Policy (PDF)