Outdoor Learning/OPAL
Learning from nature
We are excited to be embarking upon our OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) journey. Play has always played a big part in how we approach learning at St Andrew’s Church School but now we turn our attention to improving the provision for the children at playtimes.
Working with teachers, parents, Governors and the children, we have a clear and strategic plan to ensure ‘amazing play, every day, for every child’. We all know how important play is to every child’s physical and mental wellbeing and are determined to transform play for all the children at St Andrew’s. Look out for updates and photographs so you can see how we are getting on and join the fun!
Look at examples of our OPAL play here – photos
Please read our Play Policy here:
St-Andrews-Church-School-Play-Policy-.pdf (standrewsprimarybath.com)
Learning Outside and Forest School
In addition, as part of the School Without Walls creative programme, classes from St Andrew’s have had school days in the woods, with groups visiting local outdoor sites to engage with nature. St Andrew’s link with the local community on projects such as the Royal Crescent Wildflower Planting Project to engage in their locality and belonging to the City.
During the visits, classes look at how the outdoor environment changes the way children engage with learning about their world, and how the weather impacts this. The children have opportunities to engage in exploration and scientific questioning with imagination and storytelling. They enjoy using natural materials to make habitats, and immersing themselves fully in their surroundings, clambering up and down wet, muddy banks and measuring the girth of huge trees with their arms!
We have recently relaunched Forest School sessions using our beautiful and bijou conservation area next to the school. The children love using this special space. Have a look at what they have been up to this term!
Look at examples of our Forest School sessions here :