
Friends Special General Meeting – Weds 26 Jan 2022

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**Notice of Proposed Changes to the Friends of St Andrew’s Constitution**

This is notice that on Wednesday 26th January, 2022 at 7.45 pm, the Friends of St Andrew’s will be holding a Special General Meeting to discuss and vote on proposed changes to our Constitution, which is almost 20 years old.

The proposed changes are being put forward in the spirit of bringing the Constitution up to date and making it more reflective of how our charity runs. Key proposed changes include:

  • The inclusion of a Friends’ Ethos.
  • Defining the minimum size of the Committee and meeting quorum as six Committee Members.
  • The ability to share all Named Officer roles between two people.
  • Two options for a specific vote on how we would like responsibilities to be shared amongst Trustees and Named Officer roles.
  • Clearer definitions of the roles of Trustees and Named Officers.
  • Accounts to be verified annually (currently, Friends submits a summary of accounts to HMRC on an annual basis).
  • If considered required, external audits of the accounts can be called for by ten members at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.

Click here to read the proposed, updated Constitution.

Click here to read our current Constitution.

To make any comments ahead of the meeting, please email us:

And/or bring your thoughts to our meeting on 26th January to inform the discussion and to vote.


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