
From the Headteacher

Dear St Andrew’s Community,

What a bustling week we’ve had at our wonderful school! The energy and enthusiasm of our pupils, staff, and parents never cease to amaze me, and I’m thrilled to share some of our recent highlights with you all.

Vision and Values Coffee Morning

First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who attended our Vision and Values coffee morning. It was truly inspirational to hear your thoughts on what makes St Andrew’s special and the values you believe are crucial for our school. Your input is invaluable as we embark on this journey of revisiting and reviewing our vision and values. We’ve had similar discussions with our staff, and in the coming weeks, we’ll be engaging with our pupils and Governors too. This collaborative approach ensures that as we step into the next chapter of St Andrew’s, we do so together, with a shared purpose and direction.

For those parents who couldn’t make it but took the time to send emails, thank you! Your insights have been a joy to read, painting a vivid picture of ‘World of St Andrew’s. We understand that life can be hectic, so we’ll be sending out a parent survey soon to gather even more perspectives. Your voice matters, and we want to hear from as many of you as possible.

Our Global Responsibility

This week, I had the pleasure of meeting with our Diversity Parent Group over a cup of tea to discuss our Global Responsibility. It was heartwarming to learn about the fantastic work they’ve been doing over the years. They generously shared some brilliant resources that were donated by Bath Spa University, which celebrate and represent our diverse community, which we’ve already started using in our classrooms. It’s been wonderful to see our pupils engaging in thoughtful discussions about diversity. As you are aware, these conversations are crucial in fostering understanding and appreciation for our rich, multicultural world.

Next week, we are looking forward to attending a Diversity Conference with Chair Ian Gilbert, Ian Timbrell and Rhia Gibbs.

Music Makes the World Go Round

Music has been filling the air at St Andrew’s lately! Our Year 6 pupils put on a spectacular concert that showcased not just their musical talents, but also their ability to work as a team. What made this performance truly special was that many of the children had never played an instrument before. From guitars and cellos to violins, drums, and keyboards, the children mastered a variety of instruments in a short time. They performed beautifully in assembly and then treated parents to an encore at home time. This experience reinforced our belief that everyone can love and create music – it truly does make the world go round!

Building on this musical momentum, we’re exploring the possibility of starting an after-school band club for pupils in Years 4, 5, and 6. If your child is interested, please let the office know. We’re also toying with the idea of a parent band – and don’t worry if you’ve never played an instrument before! The focus is on coming together and enjoying music as a community. If either of these ideas interest you, do let us know. We’re just gauging interest at this stage, but who knows where this musical journey might take us?

A huge thank you to Jon and Bethany for working with our pupils. Their passion and drive for music are truly contagious, and we’re so grateful for their contributions.

As always, it’s a privilege to be part of this vibrant, caring community. Your support and engagement make St Andrew’s the special place it is. Here’s to many more weeks filled with learning, laughter, and harmony!

Grant Swarbrooke


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