
Georgian Tea Dance – Assembly Rooms – Galleries

On the 30th November  – St Andrew’s Day – the whole school celebrated 25 years of St Andrew’s Primary School with a Georgian Tea Dance at the Assembly Rooms.

Children, staff and even some parents dressed up in Georgian-style costumes to dance authentic Georgian-era dances with a live orchestra playing 18th Century tea dance music.

Each class had learned a different Georgian dance and then performed it – as it would have been danced in that same ball room 250 years ago! The teachers did their own dance too!

It was a fantastic occasion – well done everyone!!

There are now Tea Dance photo galleries on the website – one for each year group. The photos are being sold to raise funds for the Cornerstone 2 building project at school.

Click on the link to go straight to the gallery page.

The images have been numbered to facilitate the ordering process.


Photos are being sold as printable jpgs, which will be sent via email. The 1st photo ordered costs £5 – from the 2nd photo costs are then £2.50 per image (eg: 3 photos cost £10).

Please fill in the Form on the letter sent home (on Friday) and drop this off with payment at the school office.

For those without a Form – please provide the following details: name, email address, gallery name, photo/s number (4 digit number) and drop this off with payment at the school office.

We will try to send out photos before Christmas for all orders received before the end of term (16th December).


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