Governor News – January 2023

We have been focussing on mental health and wellbeing and we are delighted that our school has secured some free play-therapy sessions through Focus Counselling. The therapist comes in once a week and can work with up to 20 children to offer 10 free hour-long sessions.
12 Key Stage 2 children have been matched with student mentors from Kingswood School. The mentors come in once a week for 45 minutes and they have one to one time together doing whatever the St Andrew’s children choose. The sessions are very popular with all who are taking part.
Work is also being done on helping families struggling financially by liaising with foodbanks and reviewing how best to refer parents in need.
Our school has also undertaken a mapping exercise with a parent experienced in financial advice to predict how much it will cost over the year (e.g. for uniform and off-site visits) so parents can plan ahead to spread the cost, and we are also looking into other ways to help (e.g. a parent donation pot).