Governor Recruitment – Seeking Great People

We are currently looking for a new governor to join our Local Governing Committee as a BWMAT (Bath and Wells Multi-Academy Trust) appointed Governor to sit on the Curriculum and Standards Committee, so if you know anyone (from inside or outside the school community) with the passion and some knowledge of education (to help us monitor some key areas) please invite them to consider joining our Governing body.
Governors are volunteers concerned with setting the strategic aims and objectives of the school, monitoring the progress towards these aims, while providing effective support and challenge to the senior leadership team. Governors also help shape and review school policies, ensure that the safeguarding culture is strong and help prioritise use of the school budget.
A governor does not need to be an expert in governance but will usually take responsibility for a key area of school development. Relevant training will be provided through BWMAT (currently online). In addition to attending 6 Full Governing Committee and 5 or 6 Curriculum and Standards Committee meetings per academic year with pre-reading, you may support occasional other committees if available. Meetings are currently mostly online by popular request and last up to 2 hours but with Covid restrictions easing we are pleased to be able to visit the school again to be more effective.
For more information about this position please contact the Chair of Governors at, or the Vice-Chair Natalie Hartwell at
Please note that all prospective governors will be required to complete an application form including supplying references. All governors also undergo DBS and other safeguarding checks prior to appointment.

Be The One