Lunch and Learn!

‘Lunch and Learn’ enables children to meet different professionals and find out about careers they might like to do in the future.
On Monday, some children were lucky enough to meet with Nicole during their lunchtime. Nicole explained what she does in her role as a Theatre Nurse. She showed the children some images of what an operating room looks like, the clothes she has to wear and some x-rays of patients with scoliosis (curved spine). Nicole let the children use the blue bear to place a small mask over the mouth and bandage a tube to the bear’s arm. She explained that this was where the medicine goes when the patient has anaesthetic before an operation. The children listened so carefully and asked lots of questions! They each had a turn at preparing the blue bear for an operation.
On Tuesday,
Louise came and talked about her Podcaster and Business Tech Mentor business and the children were invited to ‘Plan, Create and Learn ‘ The children thought about what they dream of doing and their interests. They then designed their own logos! Key messages: You are amazing, and you can achieve anything.

See more photos here!