Mark your calendars: Raffles, potlucks, discos & more!

The St Andrew’s Friends PTA have been busy behind the scenes planning lovely social, community and fundraising events with school. So please mark your calendars for the following dates:
November 15th, Monday: Raffle tickets go on sale! We’ll be in the playground twice weekly selling tickets until December.
Every Thursday in November: Friends Easyfundraising helpdesk at playground at drop off. Do your Christmas shopping and donate free money to your PTA! We can help you set it up in a few minutes. We could easily raise a staggering £2,000 to £4,000 annually if even half of our parents participate.
December 3rd, Friday: Raffle draw! Plus excellent pre-Christmas sales: cakes, Christmas decorations, St Andrew’s Cookbook and plants grown at school.
December 14th, Tuesday: School Christmas parties, 1 – 7.30 p.m. These are being organised by the PTA with your donations and volunteer time for each year group.
January 26th, Wednesday: Friends’ Special Meeting & Social. This is a meeting to bring our charity’s constitution up to date followed by a social.
January 29th, Saturday: St. Andrew’s school website Edit-A-Thon and possible double bill with Working Bee (TBC). Get stuck in online or outdoors – help us make loads of improvements to the school website … or if that’s not your thing, get your DIY hat on to help tidy up the school grounds!
January/February: Multi-lingual book project launch – a project to source quality books in languages spoken at school.
February 4th, Friday: Valentine-themed pot luck supper. Families welcome. The kids will be treated to a film and parents can enjoy a paid bar. Bring a dish and share! Main Hall, 5.30 p.m. onwards.
February 11th, Friday: Valentines Cake Sale from 3.20pm
March 13th, Sunday: Bath Half Marathon and Family Fun Run. Please consider fundraising for St Andrew’s OPAL Play Project. Get in touch with friends and we can help set up your fundraising platform, provide a t-shirt and plenty of cheering!
April 1st, Friday: Quiz Night! 7.30pm – 10pm in school
April 8th, Friday: Easter cake sale
Beyond Easter: Grow £1 Project and end of year discos!