Nativity information

Please find below the guidance and information for this week’s nativities.
PLEASE READ: Nativity Performances Foundation Stage & Years 1&2 Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th December 2021
Date and time | Performance Year groups | Parents attending |
Tuesday 7th December
9:30am (arrive at 9:15) |
Foundation Stage
(Nursery & Reception) |
Reception |
Tuesday 7th December
2pm (arrive at 1:45) |
Year 1 & 2 Nativity | Year 1 |
Wednesday 8th December
9:30am (arrive at 9:15) |
Year 1 & 2 Nativity
Year 2 |
Wednesday 8th December
2pm (arrive at 1:45) |
Foundation Stage
(Nursery & Reception)
Nursery |
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Nativity performances. Attached you will find 2 tickets for the performance you have been invited to. These tickets will be needed to support us in ensuring we have kept to seating numbers and followed the Risk Assessment. Please ensure you have completed your contact information on the ticket before you arrive.
The current guidance from the DfE and BANES Public Health is that these performances can continue as planned. To make these as safe as possible we have completed a risk assessment based on BANES Public Health advice.
Please read these measures carefully to support the school community.
What you will need to do before attending:
- If you have any COVID symptoms (temperature, cough, loss of taste/smell) before entering the school please return home and follow Government advice
- We strongly advise all visitors to take a LFD test on the morning of the event and if you test positive, please isolate and follow Government advice
- Babies and toddlers will be asked to sit on parent/carers laps throughout the performance and will not be able to wander around the hall. Please prepare for this
- Windows will be open during the performance for ventilation so the hall will be cooler than normal. You may want to wear a thick jumper or keep your coat on.
What you will be asked to do when you arrive:
- Hand your ticket to the staff member on the door (filled in with your name and contact details)
- Please arrive in plenty of time (we advise 15 mins before the start) to allow a slow and gradual entrance into the hall. If you have young children, you may wish to enter last, so you are not sitting down longer than required
- When waiting outside please social distance (entrance to the performance will be via Julian Road).
- All visitors will be asked to sanitise their hands on entry to the hall.
- All visitors (over 12) will have to wear a mask as they enter the school, leave the school and throughout the performance (unless medically exempt).
- As parents evening was remote – your child’s books will be available to look at while you are waiting for the performance to start. You will be handed these on your way in and please leave them under your chair when you have had a look through.
What you will be asked to do during the performance:
- Wear your mask throughout the performance (unless medically exempt)
- If you develop COVID symptoms during the performance, please leave straight away and return home. You don’t need to inform a member of staff as you leave but we ask you phone or email when you are home to explain the situation
- Seating will be set up in pairs with set space between pairs of seats. Visitors are not allowed to move chairs
- Young children will need to remain sitting on adult laps. If you need to leave with your child, please exit via the Julian Rd exit and a staff member will be there to help.
What you will be asked to do at the end:
- Please stay seated and wait to be dismissed as we will slowly clear the hall to avoid a bottle neck at the exit
- If you test positive for COVID within two days of the performance, please inform the school
No photography or filming is allowed due to GDPR and child protection procedures.
We will take photos and share these with families.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information and following the measures we have in place.
We are continually monitoring the COVID situation in school and should we need to alter plans we will let you know as soon as possible.
As always, thank you for your understanding and support and we are very excited to be welcoming you into school to watch the performance.
If you have any questions regarding the arrangements or need support, please do get in touch with the office.
Best wishes,
Mrs Jayne