
Ofsted verdict – St Andrew’s: a GOOD school

Letter from Sue East, Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

following our Ofsted inspection on 4th–5th February, I am pleased to inform you that St Andrew’s has been judged to be “a good school“.

The full report is in the report section of the website.

The inspectors recognised the excellent work going on at our school and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the school staff who have worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome for our pupils by providing
a curriculum that is full of enriching activities to enliven teaching and ensure pupils are motivated to learn“.

In addition, I would like to thank our “knowledgeable, well led and organised” governors who have really worked so hard to ensure that the school would move forwards from its last inspection.

I would also like to thank all the parents and volunteers, including many at St Swithin’s, who have done so much to support the work of the school, particularly enabling us to flourish through our creative curriculum and off-site provision. We could not do these things without you. Thank you too to those of you who completed Ofsted questionnaires or took the trouble to write to the inspectors or speak to them in person.

Finally, thanks to the children who were, as ever, very friendly and welcoming towards our visitors – I was heartened to read in the report that the pupils “are happy and are extremely proud of their school“.
I think that sums up how I feel too!

Yours sincerely,

Sue East

To read the report click the link below


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