OPAL Update
The children (and adults!) are continuing to love our new way of playing at lunchtime – finding wonderfully creative ways to use loose parts, making cosy corners to talk and designing new games. After half term we look forward to being able to open up the whole playground once again and to ask the children for their ideas on how to develop the space further. Our Play Leaders have been doing an excellent job of organising the play equipment and the Play Team (made up of our lunchtime team) are constantly reflecting upon the play they observe and strive for ‘amazing play, every day’ for every child.
The School Council have gathered information from their peers and have come up with a ‘wish list’ of what else we need on the playground.
If you are able to donate any of the following, we would be thrilled:
*huge pieces of tarpaulin/sheeting for den building/canopies
*tractor tyres (for sandpits)
*old yoga mats or similar foam sheets for seating (and performing on!)
*buckets, spades, digger toys – children love digging, so the more the merrier!
*cable reels
*tubes (the bigger the better!)
*tunnels (collapsible fabric ones)
*more ‘kitchen’ items for the mud kitchen – nothing sharp please
*containers for water
*jugs for pouring
*suitcases with wheels
Thank you!