Enrichment Activities
At St Andrew's Church School, we offer a wide range of enrichment activities that aid and extend the wellbeing and education of our pupils.
Clubs – Term 2 2024/25
Currently just for years 5 & 6, the St Andrew’s band brings children together of all musical abilities, even if they’ve never played an instrument before! Contact the school office if your child is interested in this club.
Sporting Sensations run our Gymnastics Club for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Sporting Sensations believes in the power of sports to inspire, empower, and transform young lives. Their mission is to provide a diverse range of sporting activities that go beyond the playing field, creating an environment where children can thrive physically, socially, and emotionally.
Register your interest for gymnastics here.
Art Club
Children in Key Stage 1 can get creative and make some wonderful artwork. Contact the school office if your child is interested in this club.
Tiger Martial Arts runs taekwondo sessions for Years 2- 6 on Wednesday.
You can register your interest here.
Restory is an afterschool club for children in Key Stage 2 who are passionate about creative writing, music, poetry, storytelling, literacy and the arts. The children will learn a handful of folktales and myths, discuss and then respond: ‘restorying’ a tale into their own creation. Children will have a chance to collaborate, experiment and share, with aims to showcase their performances and writings at the end of the course.
Nature Club
The weekly nature club will explore the seasons through craft and activities, both indoors and outdoors. Run by Forest School leader Holly Dabbs of Foxglove Forest School.
Lego & Board Games
Children in Reception, Years 1& 2 can make creations out of Lego or relax with a friend to play some board games. Places can be booked on ParentPay or contact the school office if your child would like to join this club.
Multi Sports
Multi Sports sessions will focus on a variety of core skills that will help the child progress their physical, mental and social skills. It will give the participants opportunity to try out several new sports and activities and help them to increase their confidence. Run by sports coach and mentor Tom Bryan. The Thursday club is for Key Stage 2 children.
Craft Club
Get Crafty with Holly Dabbs. Children get to work and explore with many different mediums. Contact the school office if you wish to register your interest in this club.
Multi Sports
As above, but Friday is currently for children in years 1 & 2.