Thrive Day: Mindfulness in Nature

Thrive Day: Mindfulness in Nature
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The whole school enjoyed a wonderful day together at the start of the term, where we used our senses and the natural world to understand and benefit from mindfulness practices. The children used natural autumnal materials to create transient art and we used the book ‘Happy’ by Nicola Edwards and Katie Hickey to support our discussions and activities.
In the afternoon, it was brilliant to welcome so many parents and carers to the school to hear from our OPAL Mentor, Rachel, who was able to explain the journey we been on so far in ‘making playtime amazing for every child, every day’. The rain just about held off for everyone to have an afternoon OPAL play session and we spotted the adults having just as much fun as the children! There was a travel agent, a mud and pizza kitchen, extraordinary telephone tubes and much more. It was really special to see the children sharing their play with parents and siblings. Thank you for coming along. We will have another session in the warmer months and hope you will be able to join us.