
Remembering Mrs East

Tribute from the Governors
Mrs East was an extraordinary woman. She was a strong advocate that school should be a safe, inclusive, nurturing and creative environment; to allow each child to flourish and be the best they can be.
She brought fairy dust into many lives – those who knew her as friend, a colleague, a lay minister, as well as all the children she inspired in her 10 years as Head Teacher at St Andrew’s.
Her legacy lives on in her three wonderful children and in Learning for Living at St Andrew’s.

The school has been overwhelmed with support, kind messages and donations from the local community and from well-wishers across the country.
We are so grateful. It has been wonderful to hear people’s stories and memories of how Mrs East made a big impact on their lives.

Wednesday’s funeral was an unforgettably beautiful service of remembering and thanksgiving for Mrs East’s life, attended by nearly 800 people at Bath Abbey.

The children (including ex-teachers and pupils) sang the school song “Living Tree” and Mrs East’s children as well as Mrs Jayne and Mrs Tam gave moving tributes.

Children singing at Mrs East's funeral

Children singing at Mrs East’s funeral

More details to follow

Sue East Living Tree Rehearsal

Mrs East at the Living Tree Rehearsal (2013)

Mrs East at the St Andrew's General Election Hustings (2015)

Taking questions at the St Andrew’s General Election Hustings (2015)

Mrs East at the St Andrew's Georgian Tea Party

Mrs East at the St Andrew’s Georgian Tea Dance (2016)

...with her cat Ofsted

Mrs East with her cat Ofsted


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