World Book Day
St Andrew’s was bubbling with energy during our World Book Day last week. However, the day started with a super-relaxing ‘bed time story’ in our comfy clothes, listening to ‘A child of Books’ by Oliver Jeffers in an assembly held in the round.
We used this book as a springboard to discuss which books inspire us, ignite our imagination and help us to feel calm and relaxed. When asked about how this book made them feel, Nyla, a pupil in Year 3 remarked: “This book makes me feel like anything is possible!” and Iben, a pupil in Year 2 said: “This story made me feel like anything is possible!”.
Following time in assembly to share the ways book make us think and feel, we split off into buddy classes – where we went to read with one another. It was joyous to see the older pupils supporting the younger children to read, and hearing all children involved in making recommendations to one another!
Later, we had parents and carers in to school to join us in our ‘Read and Relax’ session. Picnic blankets and cushions adorned the classroom floors as we all hunkered down to enjoy cosy reading! Finally, a huge thank you to all parents and carers that also gave their time to come and share class stories with the children, especially those who did do in another language! I know this day will continue to inspire the children to read as they move through their school year.
Happy Reading – Miss Sandey 🙂