
Year 2: Money, Poetry & Epiphany

What a start it has been to 2025 for Year 2! 

In Maths, we have been learning about money. The class have counted in pence, in pounds, and in pence and pounds together, and they have learnt how to calculate equal amounts using different coins and notes. The class have also been buying their breaktime snack from Zach’s Snack shack. The children have had to calculate how much their snacks cost and check that they have been given the right change.

In English, the class have begun their class text, Winter Sleep, A Hibernation Story and they have all worked hard to write, edit and revise and publish an anthology of winter poems complete with winter artworks. The anthology is now in the classroom for everyone to enjoy and read. 

In other highlights, the class learnt about Epiphany and created beautiful artworks with our wonder student teacher, Miss Rundell.



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