Year 3: Mini Worlds and Modelling

Y3 have loved exploring our beautiful courtyard as part of our Forest School experience. We’ve discovered it’s the perfect place to find snails – big ones, adventurous ones, shy ones and quite a few baby ones! Some were sheltering under wet leaves and one was found snuggling deep inside a clump of moss! See if you can spot it in the photos!
We’ve loved making mini-worlds to take an even closer look at the amazing variety of tiny wildlife that share our space – ladybirds, transparent worms, woodlice, slugs, snails and beetles.
In English we have loved reading The Tin Forest and writing our own vivid descriptions and it inspired us to make our own, modelled in foil and complete glittering trees, snakes, a miniature Gecko and a silver fox.
We’ve also been learning about form, line, light and shade from the illustrator Chris Mould and then applied these techniques to create our own versions of The Iron Man – our new focus text. Can you spot the ‘human’ in each picture? How big is the Iron Man?