Year 5 explore the iconic and intriguing art and architecture of The Circus in Bath and more …

Another busy week for Y5, both in and out of class. On Wednesday, Y5 packed their pencils and sketch books and set off in the sunshine to explore the iconic and intriguing art and architecture of The Circus in Bath. Above the doorways, windows and first tier of columns of this iconic building, they identified a horizontal ‘Doric frieze’ of 525 mysterious motifs called ‘Metopes.’ Everyone made detailed drawings their favourite images and we’ll be using these to inspire and inform us as we design our own Metopes in clay. Architectural fact of the week: The Circus has the same (well almost) diameter (99m) as the inner-circle of Stone Henge (97m). In Computing, Y5 created algorithms using a ‘condition and two different outcomes’ and then wrote and tested their programs in Scratch Code. In English, Y5 have been skilfully retrieving information from a text to create an animal fact file and to visualise a setting. Next, they applied their findings to produce a Nature Journal entry (about the rare Black Fox) and a literary map for our class book (The Midnight Fox). On Thursday Y5 set off again, this time to visit The Egg Theatre for an amazing performance of ‘Everything has Changed’ – a thought-provoking, funny and immersive experience. As one budding Y5 critic put it just 5 minutes after curtains up – “Well, this is really, really, really, really good.” Oh yes, and we have just planted 101 spring bulbs in the courtyard. Watch this space!