Year 5: Micro:bits and Owl Pellets

The children in Year 5 have been thrilled to be the first children to use the new Micro:bits! Micro:bits are tiny computers, which can be programmed using software on the laptops, and downloaded onto the micro:bits. They have their own speaker and LED light system, which meant our first activity was to explore how they work, by making our own name badges! The LED lights were programmed to spell out our names, and the children even got so far as to create a little light display illustration and add a sound motif!
They were also excited to visit King Edward’s School (KES) on Friday 5th July. They got split into groups and enjoyed Design and Technology lessons, where they made their own keyring, and Science lessons, where they dissected owl pellets!
The children showed exemplary listening skills and thoroughly enjoyed their day, not to mention their free lunch and use of the outdoor football pitch for their play time!