You’ve smashed the £50/month Friends goal!

Friends are happy to announce that our wonderful St Andrew’s community have helped us reach our goal of £50 per month in standing orders!
We are currently receiving £45.50 per month in contributions. If you haven’t already — PLEASE fill out a Friends Gift Aid form so we can claim 25% from the government on your donations — meaning we will soon hit a smashing £56.87 per month. That’s £682.50 per year.
It seems the offer of seeing our headteacher doused in custard was just too tempting to resist! We are looking forward to fulfilling our custard hat pledge at the Friends Summer Celebration on Friday July 8th. Watch this space.
PTA volunteers work incredibly hard to raise money for school. Already this year, events like cake sales, Hot Chocolate Fridays, lolly sales, a vintage clothing sale, Quiz Night and the Raffle have raised enough money to fund high quality cameras for each year group, class trips, multi-lingual books, magazine subscriptions, a year-end disco, Y6 presents, an Easter egg hunt, play equipment and the new giant courtyard canopy that extends outdoor play.
Thanks to your monthly standing order contributions, which start from £1 per month, we will begin next year with a head start to help fund whatever adventures St Andrew’s staff dream up for our children.
If you would like to contribute by Standing Order, here are the Friends PTA bank details:
The Friends of St Andrew’s
Sort Code: 30-90-54
Account number: 46693468