Parents, carers and children are very welcome to visit our school. It is important that you choose a school in which you feel your child will thrive.
Admission Arrangements
St Andrew’s Church School is part of The Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust, which is the Admissions Authority for the school. Our Admission Arrangements comply with the requirements of the 2021 School Admissions Code, and the 2022 School Admission Appeals Code issued by the Department for Education under Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. The aim is to promote a fair and equitable process for all.
Although the Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority, all day-to-day enquiries and applications are handled directly by the school (except for Reception applications, which are handled by the Local Authority.)
Admissions into Nursery
To apply for a place in our Nursery, please use this link to access the application form. Once complete, please return the form together with a copy of your child’s birth certificate to the school office.
You will be notified of an offer of a place in Nursery at least a term before your child’s start date.
Admissions to the Reception class in September
If your child is starting school for the first time, they will join the Reception class (usually the September following their fourth birthday). The Local Authority manage all Reception applications across all schools within the local area.
If you would like to apply for a Reception place, you will need to complete the Reception application form found on the Local Authority website and ensure the Local Authority receives the application by the deadline of 15th January prior to admissions in September of that year.
St Andrew’s Church School also has a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Please refer to the Admissions Arrangements for the academic year for which you wish to apply and, if appropriate, the school will need to receive the SIF by the deadline date of 15th January prior to admission into the Reception class in September of that year.
Although all application forms are treated equally, to improve your chance of a Reception place at St Andrew’s Church School, it is advisable to have the school listed as your first choice.
This link to the Local Authority website will guide you through applying for a primary school place in Reception. Email if you have any queries.
Admissions into other year groups and Reception during the academic year.
If your child is changing schools within the academic year, you will need to complete an In-Year Transfer Application + Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if appropriate and return the completed form/s to the school office. These forms are also used if your child has started in the Reception class at another school and you are changing schools. Please see appropriate admissions arrangements for the correct academic year for further details.
The school will notify you of the outcome of your application within 10 school days of receipt of your completed In Year Transfer Form and Supplementary Information Form (SIF), if appropriate. The school can only keep the place open for 28 school days after the offer is made, so your child will need to start within that time frame, or the place may be withdrawn.
Right of Appeal
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a school place at your preferred school, you have the legal right to appeal against the decision. Details concerning how to appeal will be explained in the decision letter. It is your opportunity to present your reasons for preferring a particular school to an independent Appeal Panel which is separate from the school and Local Authority.
Information on making an appeal and be found here
Information on the Appeals Timetable – BWMAT 2024-2025
Infant Class Size Appeal Form
Not Infant Class Size Appeal Form
Appeal Form (not for Infant Class Size Appeals)
For Bath and North East Somerset Appeals Information, Email