Year 2: Fun Science and Art

What a wonderfully creative start Year 2 have had to the term with lots of opportunity for exploratory learning. In Science, the class have been learning about how seeds are dispersed and how different seeds are perfectly designed to travel in different ways. They created their own dandelion seed models and had fun making and trying out sycamore (helicopter) seeds. Now, they’ve learnt about them, they have spotted them all over the playground. This week, the class will be dissecting broad bean seeds to identify all the different parts of the seed.
The class have also started working on a child-led project with the Artists Development Network. A couple of wonderful local artists came into school and worked with the children to create a map of all the hidden, magical and surprising journeys you can make on the way to school. Our map took us all over Bath and the world. Next week, the artists are back in and the children will be leading us on a walk to discover some of these magical places just outside the school gates and collect pieces to inspire the next part of their story writing journey with us.